Saturday, January 18, 2025
Marlin Country Club - Marlin, TX
1. Call to Order by President Rickey Afinowicz.
2. Welcome & Invocation by Rickey Afinowicz. Invocation will be decided at the meeting
3. Meeting Rules
a. Any THPA member may participate in the THPA Winter Meeting, however only club-appointed delegates may vote on business.
b. Each THPA Club is allowed for up to 2 delegates. Up to two members may be appointed to represent the “Independents” – those not belonging to a THPA Club.
c. Each speaker must be recognized by the THPA Executive Council. No one should interrupt the speaker. Those who have already spoken on a matter must wait until others have spoken to speak again. The THPA Executive Council may speak on any matter at any time.
d. The purpose of the THPA Winter Meeting is to serve as a guideline for the THPA Executive Council in the operation of the organization while taking suggestions, opinions, or concerns of the membership into account. A passing or failing vote at the Winter Meeting is not final. Business voted on at the Winter Meeting will be sent to the Rules & Grievance committee to be reviewed and may be elevated to the general election ballot or may be posted as a survey question for the general membership.
4. Appoint Sergeant-At-Arms
5. Roll Call of Delegates/Determine a Quorum
Club Delegates Club Delegates
Amarillo Arlington
Borger Bryan
Buffalo Cameron
Chandler Denison
East Bernard Hamilton
Lindsay Littlefield
McKinney San Antonio
Waco Weatherford
Official quorum
6. Reading of the Previous Minutes - Dee Scritchfield
7. Treasurer’s Report & Proposed 2025 Budget - Dee Scritchfield
8. Officer’s Reports
a. 1st VP - Coyce Allen
b. 2nd VP – Jo Box
c. 3rd VP - Janell Berry
d. 4th VP - Donna Thomason
e. 5th VP - Art Ullom
f. Secretary/Treasurer - Dee Scritchfield
9. Committee Reports
a. Regional Director - Coyce Allen
b. Hall of Fame Committee - Duck Engelhardt
10. Old Business
a. State Doubles – Revisit percentage cap limit
b. New date for State Singles has been implemented on 2025 schedule – allowing for unpredictable weather situations
11. New Business
a. Grievance Committee
i. New Grievance Committee announcements
b. Milage between tournaments – Discuss lowering the milage limit between tournaments (currently at 200, suggested proposals are between 100 and 150)
c. State Officer position opening deadline: Currently May 1st per by laws. Discuss by law change to go into effect 2026 for deadline to be moved to July 31st allowing ample time for candidates to submit candidacy for voting.
d. State Singles
i. 20-foot division and how that will be handled (depending on number of sign-ups)
ii. Handicap on classes (other than Championship Class)
iii. Qualifying tournaments for State Singles will remain at 4 to qualify for State Singles Championship.
1. An exception for this would be our WEST TEXAS members. They would only need 2 tournaments to qualify due to the lack of clubs in their region.
2. ALL TX sanctioned tournaments will be counted towards qualifying. This does include those years when the TX vs. OK tournament is held in Oklahoma.
iv. Class sizes & repositioning – How many should be in each class and repositioning classes due to dropouts (moving up/down a class to even out the class sizes)
v. State Jacket discussion
12. Announcements
13. Meeting Adjourned
Webmaster: Art Ullom
Phone: (260) 341-4716