2016 HOF Bill Campbell #42

Bill Campbell

Bill Campbell was inducted into the THPA Hall of Fame in 2016 becoming the 42nd Member to be inducted.

My Father, Zack Campbell, started pitching horseshoes in the Spring of 1955. Of course, I followed him around like his shadow and learned to love the people and the sport of Horseshoe pitching!!! In 1955, Dad qualified for the Ohio State Class A, and actually won 3 games. His very first year to pitch, he averaged over 50% ringers. How exciting for a young man of 11. I started pitching the next year when I was 12 years old. Back in 1956, you had to be 12 to compete with the Juniors.

Well, back then, the Juniors were such a proud group of boys that we refused to pitch the legal 30 feet, so we all pitched from 40 feet. For the next four years, Donnie Roberts, Gary Roberts, and I were the 3 best Juniors in the State of Ohio. Boy did we have fun beating up on each other for the State Title.

In 1960, Dad took me to Muncie, Indiana to pitch in my very first World Horseshoe Tournament. I was supposed to be a favorite that year, but I worked as a stocker and sacker for the Grocery Store in town and somehow contracted the flu. But I wanted to pitch in the World Tournament so bad, I went anyway and finished a disappointing 5th Place.

Then, in 1961, I moved to Southwestern Missouri to attend College and horseshoes was forgotten for many years! We did not have Social Media back then, so I lost track of the people of horseshoes.

My Dad was visiting me Houston in the mid 1970’s and inquired around and ended up at the home of Bob Graham! What a Gentleman!! He & Dad encouraged me to pitch again, so I did for a few years, pitching in Texas Class A with the likes of Bob Graham, Ed McFarland, Stan Smith, Charlie Posey, Bob McCharon, Jim Burrows, Jeff Gaston, and Marvin Burgess, just to mention a few! What fun, even though it was on sand except in Arlington where we pitched on clay.

I got out of pitching again for a few years, but in the mid to late 1980’s, Joyce and I started to pitch again and joined the Greater Houston Horseshoe Club at Bear Creek Park. What an awesome group of people that were there. I actually got my 80% Patch at that League. But, Joyce hurt her shoulder and I hurt my back so bad that I eventually had back surgery, so we dropped out again.

In February of 2009, my Dad passed away and while I was in Ohio for his funeral, I found all his many years of the NHPA Newsline Magazines and began to read up on them. Dad had many years ago been inducted into the Ohio Hall of Fame. So, to honor my Dad, I promised myself to start pitching again! Joyce is still unable to pitch, but I have not missed a year since 2009 and 2 years ago moved up to 30 feet. Psychologically, it was the hardest thing I have ever done! But I have moved up to number 14 in the State of Texas for Elder Men & I am looking forward to making the “Top 10” as soon as possible!

This year will mark the 60th year since I started pitching horseshoes with my Dad. The reason I still pitch is that the people of horseshoes are so wonderful, like one big happy family!! Some of my best friends are horseshoe pitchers!

Now that I am retired, Joyce and I want to give back to this great sport and do what we can to help build up the Membership in the State of Texas and help everyone we can to stay focused on the fun, family, and fellowship of horseshoe pitching! Thank you for electing me to be your new Secretary/Treasurer! Let’s all focus on improving every year, and let’s all become fierce competitors on the courts, but off the courts remain best Friends for life!!

See you at the Pits!! Bring your best game!! Let’s keep it fun, clean, and family oriented!! Will you join me in helping our Membership to grow???!!!! Remember, “Teamwork makes the Dream Work”!!

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